Laut & Luise is a Music Lovers Club from Berlin && Cologne
Sticking together and celebrating friendship intensively for years, Luise was born in 2009 aiming to give love and care as well as to create a home for yet unsettled ideas and curious adventures. While music has naturally been a constant and beloved companion, the spirit of Laut & Luise is much broader than a specific definition of house or techno music can grasp. Lovely music on a well painted 12" vinyl or a convenient zip file.
To expand the possibilities and supply a new musical playground the little sister was born in 2013: Luettje Luise. Music for the tea lovers and living room enthusiasts, pressed on 7" vinyl only, limited to 300 pieces and completed by a hand crafted artwork.
What is the opposite of little? Lost. Since 2017 there is a new sub label, limited to nothing but a digital playback device and labeled with a mouse crafted artwork. Lost in Luise, for the digital natives and the internet explorers.
Für die Ewigwachgebliebenen zum Feierabendbier, für die Frühaufsteher als Seelenfutter zum Wochenbeginn: